Villa Reale - Galleria d’Arte Moderna
Milano Outside/Inside, a journey through Valextra for Milano.
A world of artistic masterpieces and architectural history, the Galleria d’Arte Modern in Villa Reale is an immersive experience. Built between 1790 and 1796, it was established as an ode to Neoclassicism. Shortly after, it became Napoleon's Milanese residence, making it one the city’s most storied and important addresses. Since 1921, it has housed Milano’s most prized artistic outputs and iconic construction, values that Valextra shares in common.
"Milan welcomed me when, at the age of eighteen, I arrived from Vicenza to study, and now I see it as my home. It’s a place of opportunity and growth, of work and culture. A city of beauty that is discreet, with everything waiting to be discovered. Just like Wildt’s artwork, which will be restored thanks to Valextra. It is an initiative that describes the deep connection between fashion and Milan: a productive relationship that enriches the city’s urban and cultural fabric, and also defines its identity"
Alessia Cappello pictured with the NoLo bag at The Galleria d’Arte Moderna.

The Secret Garden
The Villa Reale is home to a romantic city garden, riffing off the traditional English landscape, the first of its kind in Milano. Comprising an artificial lake and small temples, its fountain, the Trilogia (il Santo, il Giovane e la Saggezza), sculpted in marble by Adolfo Wildt in 1912, is currently being restored as a part of Valextra’s Milano Outside/Inside project in collaboration with the Comune di Milano.