bags accessories
Every bag has accessories that go with it. Here in Valextra we appreciate no-frills, minimal design, yet we do know that a good add-on can give personality to your luxury bags and make them more yours. What we create a statement to you, something that you could wear with pride, leather goods that you can pass on to the next generations. Our leather bags accessories and small leather goods are specially crafted by our designers using cutting-edge technology and years of expertise in creating leather goods. Pick the ones you think are more appropriate or the ones that suits your needs best. What we can grant is that it will add to your confidence and look.
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Exploring the spontaneous spirit of our hometown of Milan and ways in which to complement the construction of our luxury handbags and leather goods, Valextra’s add-ons take accessories into considered-meets-whimsical territory. From bag charms and handles to bands and shoulder straps, Valextra’s accessories temporarily transform an iconic Valextra handbag to suit mood, occasion and ensemble, never stealing the spotlight, only ever making an event out of the everyday.
Bag Accessories
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